Target practice on Zombies
On the hunt for some Zombies yo!!
The last couple of weeks I've been busy practicing using tactical gear in order to prepare for my role in Jason Ragosta film ZTV: The PreZerve! I play Stubbs a hard ass security guard to a crew of filmmakers who tape a reality show in the middle of a post apacolyptic zombie "reservation" area. It is insanely good and I am eager to get the ball rolling on this project. A few weekends ago I trained with Stuntman and Weapons master Andrew J Neis who's worked on a variety of well known shows that have been shot in the Bay Area. Netflix's 13 Reasons Why, and The OA.
Be on the lookout for ZTV on indie go go as this short is the first phase of the Director's plan to getting the feature version made. Crowd funding will begin soon and what we are shooting now is a short teaser of how it's going to look all together. For now check out a brief video clip of me training. For more information about this project check out my last post here. Until then...good hunting
From L to R. Cast mate Daniel, Stuntman/weapons master Andrew Neiss and yours truly.
Using soft pellet guns for training