The Son becomes the Father....
“You will make my strength your own. See my life through your eyes as your life will be seen through mine. The son becomes the father, and the father, the son.” -Jor-El
When I was around my son’s age my father took my brother and I to see “Superman: The Movie.” My life was forever changed. That was the moment when I decided that I wanted to be an actor/filmmaker. The scene where Jor-El (played by Marlon Brando) placed his son in his rocket ship and said to his only child: “…..the son becomes the father and the father the son” has been something that I held onto as well. From that moment on I took pages from old Buck Rogers, The Justice League and Flash Gordon comic books and would have my friends re-enact them in my back yard. I knew at that moment what I wanted to do with my life. This movie has also been a moment where I was able to see how this “ancient” Kryptonian proverb has come to pass since I have a son.
Banneker is now 9 years old and seeing his eyes light up when I see him perform in school plays brings pure joy to my heart. He’s also takin' a shine to playing around with stop motion animation and shooting his epic film “Iron Man vs. Harry Potter” (true story I’ll post it later)
Banneker’s first calendar modeling gig for his diaper service. Earned us a month of free service and his first nickename
Banneker’s first headshot.
Speaking of responsibilities, it’s been quite some time since my last entry. Between having a day job and running to auditions there hasn’t been too much action. I take that back. I did book a local commercial for a grocery store for the holidays and I’m very excited about it ( I’ll post when it’s done). During all of this my son has been asking me consistently that he wanted to be an actor, and he wanted me to get him an agent. When he said that to me I was elated, but I had to make sure that that’s what he wanted to do. Acting is a discipline just as it is an art form. I told myself that if he kept asking me, I would see about making it happen. Months would go by and he kept asking me about it so one day I surprised him and told him that we had a meeting with my agent(s) and now I am proud to officially announce my son Banneker is now represented with Johnson Talent agency. When I saw his very first headshot the first thing popped to mind was: “…the son becomes the father and the father the son.” I’m excited to see where this little man’s dreams will go and since I am his dad+manager= Dadager I will have a front row seat to my child’s success. Also to all of my theater and filmmaking friends who is in need of a child actor Holla at ya boy yo!!!