ars Paradoxica season3 begins production


The other day I began recording the Whisper Forge's production of Ars Paradoxica reprising my role as Lou Gains. This production happens with many different people from across the U.S. taking the time to sit at their desk and microphone and record their session with the uber talented Mischa Stanton. He is a master of sound design and Story editing.  His team is awesome and it's no wonder that this serial podcast has garnered such awards as Best original long form production from Audio Verse and mentioned in media outlets such as BBC America and Popular Science.


 The cool thing about this season is that all the writers got together and hashed out the entire third season over the hiatus and we are recording the whole season in huge chunks. Also because of the generousity of Patreon subscribers I can get PAID!  What?!? Paying an artist?!? Yes folks your support has made it possible to pay the people that entertain you...the audience. To learn more about that check out the patreon for the show


So so be on the look out for Season 3 of ars Paradoxica coming soon on iTunes, Google Play and other podcast aggregators of choice.  If this is your first time hearing about this great show, start off with the pilot episode and follow the adventures of Dr. Sally Grissom as she takes herself back in time.  What dangers lurk ahead?  Does she get back home?  There's only one way to find out!