2017 Pictoclik Film Festival

Last Saturday night (November 11th) “The Rage” screened to a full crowd at the 5th Annual Pictoclik film festival.  Along with a lot of other awesome filmmakers here are some of the highlights of the evening. Enjoy!  For more information on Pictoclik Check them out here.

Myself along with the director, co-writer/producer of The Rage Alrik Bursell  

Myself along with the director, co-writer/producer of The Rage Alrik Bursell  

Answering a few questions for the audience  

Answering a few questions for the audience  

From L to R Cinematographer Jason Joseffer, L Jeffrey Moore,  Lead actress Sophia Laplagia and Alrik Bursell

From L to R Cinematographer Jason Joseffer, L Jeffrey Moore,  Lead actress Sophia Laplagia and Alrik Bursell

Director of the upcoming short film that I’m featured in “The Judges Shift” Daniel Sullivan. 

Director of the upcoming short film that I’m featured in “The Judges Shift” Daniel Sullivan.